Moore & Bode Cigars

Making Premium Cigars and History...Since 1990

IPCPR Trade Show

This year, for the first time in our company’s history, we attended the annual International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Attendance provided an opportunity to reconnect with so many individuals that throughout the years had mainly been telephone acquaintances.

We made new friends, Robert Siegel of Marble Arch Ltd. (pipe seller of New York) gracious enough to host us in his booth. Across from us was Marty Pulvers. The voice for so many years of California’s tobacconists in their struggle for space in the state’s economy. Chuck Levi, Iwan Ries of Chicago, long time supporter of Moore & Bode Cigars.

Some contacts were in the neighbourhood from Miami, Ernesto Perez Carrillo, Ernesto Padilla (a thank you for letting us all remember it’s ok not to take oneself too seriously).

Tobacconists of Gold; William Rella of Barclay Rex NYC, Danny and Michael from Tobacco Plaza, Great Neck NY, Ken Jacobs of Santa Barbara Cigars in Houston TX, Vartan Seferian, Ambassador Fine Cigars, Scottsdale AZ.

An individual we had never had an opportunity to meet in person, but was so complimentary and knowledgeable of our history and work was Carlos Fuente Jr. We were further impressed by his understanding and acknowledgement that the expansion of our factory’s work into India was good for the whole premium cigar industry.

Well, we look forward to the coming challenges of work and development and hope we are gifted another opportunity to again share time with friends.


Sharon Moore Bode

Moore & Bode Cigars, Inc.
Miami – Mumbai


During the show, we had a chance to catch up with the famous Smoking Hot Cigar Chick! Check out her video with us and follow the link to read up on her fantastic reviews!

Moore & Bode Cigars: A Moment With Sharon Moore IPCPR 2011